The Osborne – Osborne Family, whose story with the world of wine dates back to the 18th Century, has been dedicated to push forward their oenological project over the past 15 years, focusing on small Wineries and those wines tied to specific vineyards or estates. The management of this project is the responsibility of the COMPAÑÍA DE VIÑEDOS IBERIAN, S.L., which also belongs to the family. Today, we are present in the Spanish Denominations of Origin of Ribera del Duero, Toro, Rueda, Priorat, Cava-Penedés, Rioja, Rías Baixas, Bierzo, Vino de la Tierra de Castilla and Jerez.
Marques de Tomaresis a family Enterprise. Three family generations have dedicated their lives to viticulture and the elaboration of Rioja wines.
"Since our strains centenarian cultivated by grandfather Roman, up to nowadays this day the saga of the wine master craftsmen continues. A family winery legacy of much effort and work, which is successfully producing high quality wines."